2nd Class extra work

Dear Parent (s)/ Guardian (s)

I hope you are all keeping well at this time. Hopefully the children are adjusting ok to the strange times we currently experiencing. Hopefully we will get to see each other at school again before too long.

Below is a list of suggested extra work you might want to engage in with your child during the course of the coming weeks. It is completely optional as an extra to anything you might be already engaging in at home. Please don’t put any undue pressure on yourself or your child to get through all the work. Decide what is best for you/ your child. Feel free to contact me at any time with any questions or concerns you might have. My email is carolannomeara@outlook.ie

As you are probably already aware, there are lots of games, activities, resources and powerpoints on Twinkl for all school subjects. I have linked a few below but feel free to use any others that take your interest. If children do not have their books at home both book publishsers, Folens and Fallons have made the books available online. You just need to log on to their site.

Yours sincerely,

Carolann O’ Meara




Continue reading novel ‘Stanley’.

Complete worksheets. When worksheets have been completed encourage children to write a ‘Character Profile’ for the various characters in the novel.



Interesting facts about that person:

What sort of character are they?

What happens to them during the story?

Children could also complete a review of the chapters read. A few lines summarising the main points of the chapter.


Children might like to draw a picture to illustrate a part of the book they found funny/ interesting. They could write a few lines to accompany the picture.

Read any books you may have at home. Complete a book report when finished.


Feel free to engage in DEAR (Drop Everything AND Read) time during the day. 10-15 minutes with your choice of book.


Comprehension activities available on twinkl Ireland.



The above are links to two different activities but any of the comprehension activities of interest to your child would be perfect!


Continue with spelling lists (one per week). Explain the words at the beginning of the week and write/ learn four spellings each day.


Write some stories. Choose between recount (retelling an event) or imaginative. Make up your own title e.g If I had a superpower…



Children could also practice their ‘procedural writing’, which we had been working on this term.

Any sort of ‘free writing’ would also be beneficial. Encourage children to be as imaginative as possible!


Continue working through handwriting book. Remember to take care forming each letter and practice a letter until it is perfected. Take time and care with your writing. When learning cursive writing, it’s about the quality of the writing, not the amount written.



Continue with reading ‘Cairde le Chéile’. Two pages per week is sufficient. Revise previous pages and ensure understanding of each word.

Eilifint’ l.54

‘cónaíonn sí’ – she lives

‘craiceann’ – skin

‘eiraball’ – tail

‘ólann’ – drinks

‘itheann’ – eats

Déan ceapaire’ – l.55

‘arán’ – bread

‘cáis’ – cheese

‘tráta’ – tomatoe

‘cuir’ – put

‘gearr’ – cut

An cheolchoirm’ – l.56

‘An cheolchoirm’ – concert

‘ardán’ – stage

‘thosaigh’ – started

‘chan’ – sang

‘feadóg stáin’ – tin whistle

‘ag damhsa’ – dancing

Practice informal Irish at home.

An teilifís – l.58

‘ag féachaint’ – watching

‘clár dúlra’ – nature programme

‘tháinig’ – came

‘cianrialtán’ – remote control

‘ag pleidhcíocht’ – messing

‘ag argóint’ – arguing

  • Use Irish words for everyday objects where possible.
  • Say the day, month and season each morning ‘As Gaeilge’!
  • Practice saying name, age and any other facts about themselves -_____is ainm dom.

Tá mé ____mbliana d’aois.

Tá mé i rang a dó.


An Cháisc (Easter)






Complete revision chapters in Mathemagic. (p156- 162)

Place emphasis on ‘renaming’ in subtraction. Remind children of rule: “More on top, no need to stop.

More on the floor, go to next door.”

4 3 3 13
-2 7 -2 7
1 6

Tables: Practice tables + and – from 1 to 12

Practice, practice, practice?


Informal maths such as time can be practised during the course of the day. ‘o’clock’, ‘half past’, ‘quarter past’, ‘quarter to’.

Where possible practice fractions during the course of the day also. Finding half or quarter of a group of objects.


Length and Capacity are two topics which have yet to be covered this year.

Topics such as weight, length, capacity and money can also be practised more informally.

  • Measuring the length of room, garden etc by measuring with their feet. Estimate first!
  • Writing down the weight of various items in the home, list these from heaviest to lightest.
  • Capacity: Finding ‘liquid’ containers in the home – show children 1litre container. Ask them to list liquid items in the home or around the home that would hold ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ 1litre.
  • Counting money and calculating change from €1 or €2

Counting in twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes and tens can be introduced to the children (Mathemagic p.123 – 129)

Using their hundred square, ask children to count in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, ‘6’s or 10’s. Ask them to colour or place an object on each stopping point. Make a list of the numbers they stopped on.





Research a topic related to the theme of the Green Flag ‘Marine Environment’

Choose from the following:

  • Plastic Islands
  • Life cycle of a plastic bottle
  • Micro beads
  • Marine Litter
  • Woodford Bay
  • Woodford River

Revise counties of Ireland and locating them on a map.




History of the GAA






The Easter Story:



First Confession:




Children can practice their skills by typing stories they have written or typing pieces of information they have found during research of topic ‘Marine Environment’



Remember to stay active?

How many jumping jacks/ skips/ hops on one leg/ ball bounces etc can you do in one minute? Time yourself.

Try again in another day or two and see can you beat your first score!

If weather isn’t good enough to get outside remember there are lots of active videos on:

  • Go Noodle
  • Just Dance
  • Operation Transformation 10@10



Engaging in art will depend on what resources are available to you at home. One that doesn’t need any resources other than paper and a pencil are ‘Still life drawings’ – placing an object on a table (fruit/ flowers etc) and attempt to draw the object by looking closely at the lines, shape and form visible on the object.

Self portrait – Using a mirror or tablet screen, attempt to draw your own face, taking note of lines, shape and form of the face.

You could also design and decorate an easter egg.

© 2025 St Joseph's National School, Woodford