The Easter bunny visited St. Joseph’s N.S., leaving lots of chocolate Easter eggs behind for the boys and girls.
Cycle Training
As part of the school’s work on this year’s Green School’s ‘Global Citizenship Travel’ theme, the students from 3rd-6th class took part in cycle training. The children learned about the importance of wearing a helmet and signalling to other road users when cycling. Richard and Caitríona showed the children how to check to make sure […]
Camogie & Hurling Blitz in Portumna
Art – Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Years
Science – Field Phones and Plants
Santa Claus visits 4th, 5th & 6th class
School work for 5th class
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),I hope you are all keeping well in these unprecedented times. To lend a helping hand to the great work taking place at home I have compiled a list of suggestions and practical tips to help support your child’s learning over the next few weeks. Please note, if students do not have their books at […]