Mrs Mannion SET St Joseph’s National School

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), I hope that you are all well and safe during these difficult and challenging times. Please find below some educational resources which may be useful to you and your children during the closure of St Joseph’s National School. Google Document which provides details of educational resources to assist and support your children […]

School work for 6th class

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),I hope you are all keeping well in these unprecedented times. To lend a helping hand to the great work taking place at home I have compiled a list of suggestions and practical tips to help support your child’s learning over the next few weeks. Please note, if students do not have their books at […]

School work for 5th class

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),I hope you are all keeping well in these unprecedented times. To lend a helping hand to the great work taking place at home I have compiled a list of suggestions and practical tips to help support your child’s learning over the next few weeks. Please note, if students do not have their books at […]

4th Class extra work

Dear Parent (s)/ Guardian (s), I hope you are all keeping well at this time. Hopefully the children are adjusting ok to the strange times we currently experiencing. Hopefully we will get to see each other at school again before too long. Below is a list of suggested extra work you might want to engage […]

3rd Class extra work

Dear Parent (s)/ Guardian (s), I hope you are all keeping well at this time. Hopefully the children are adjusting ok to the strange times we currently experiencing. Hopefully we will get to see each other at school again before too long. Below is a list of suggested extra work you might want to engage […]

2nd Class extra work

Dear Parent (s)/ Guardian (s) I hope you are all keeping well at this time. Hopefully the children are adjusting ok to the strange times we currently experiencing. Hopefully we will get to see each other at school again before too long. Below is a list of suggested extra work you might want to engage […]

Miss Burke – Senior Infants

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): I hope this finds you all safe and well. Please find on the following pages some suggested academic activities to do with your child during the school closure period. I am always accessible via phone or email ( should you wish to contact me. All queries are welcome, no matter how small. I […]

Miss Burke – Junior Infants

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): I hope this finds you all safe and well. Please find on the following pages some suggested academic activities to do with your child during the school closure period. I am always accessible via phone or email ( should you wish to contact me. All queries are welcome, no matter how small. I […]

Miss Burke – First Class

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s): I hope this finds you all safe and well. Please find on the following pages some suggested academic activities to do with your child during the school closure period. I am always accessible via phone or email ( should you wish to contact me. All queries are welcome, no matter how small. I […]

Useful Information

Teacher’s email address – —————————————————————————— English:  – Read Theory and Comprehension. – Read with Phonics. – The Literacy Shed. – Epic, Read Children’s books online. Maths: – IXL, Maths Portal – Glencoe Virtual Manipulative. – Top Marks. Mathis Portal. – ICT Games. Mathis and English SESE: – World Book Online. – Scoilnet. Projects, Links to other Project sites.PE: – Joe […]

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